Home » Technology Proven to Improve Operating Room Performance Data Analytics Drive Patient Safety, OR Efficiency, and Profitability

Technology Proven to Improve Operating Room Performance Data Analytics Drive Patient Safety, OR Efficiency, and Profitability

North American Partners in Anesthesia (NAPA) is a leader in patient safety and healthcare innovation. In 2008, NAPA achieved remarkable results when it installed the first HIPAA- and PHI-compliant, third-party RVA camera-with-feedback in a U.S. hospital. Within weeks of implementing NAPA Peak Performance2 in the operating room (OR), compliance for surgical safety checklist, sign-ins, time-outs, sign-outs, and terminal cleaning regularly neared or achieved 100% in that location. These sustainable results inspired one of New York’s largest health systems to implement and expand this concept to more than 150 ORs in 23 hospitals. RVA metrics also enabled OR staff to reduce turnover times and first case start delays. NAPA Peak Performance2 (PP2) produces better clinical and financial outcomes.

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